Taking a slight break in my musical endeavors to work on some visual art this week, preparing 3 pieces for my Alumni show. Tonight, worked on "BLUTO FOUND THE PICTURES", a diptych that shows half-naked Polaroids of a model, juxtaposed with a threatening letter to me from her boyfriend BLUTO, who is pissed off about the session.
Here's the text of BLUTO's letter:
"Your art sucks!! If I ever see you within 200 feet of my girlfriend, Ill take your stupid polaraid camera and shove it up your ass. And youll probably like it because youre a fag!!! If I ever see any pictures of her in an art galley or on the internet, Ill break even one of your fingers and then you can see how easy it is to make art then, fuckface. You better take EVERY SINGLE picture you have of her and destroy every single one of them, or I will crush your face, you fucking faggot!! You probably take pictures of girls because you have no dick and cannot get it up and if you had a dick anyway Id rip it off and stuff it down your throat, you fruit!! Consider yourself warned that if you see me on the street you better go the other way, because I, BLUTO, will make you sorry you ever asked my girl to take her clothes off, you asswipe. Your art sucks and you have no dick because all you do is take pictures of girls in their underwear. Fuck you, you dont even make art, your a faker, and you should be buried with your art in a deep fucking pit, asshole! I KICK YOUR ASS, ASSHOLE!!!"
Fun stuff!
I just noticed you've been a member since 03 and only have like 13 comments 

I dont think youll have to worry much about recluses in NJ