In the highly unlikely event you were in Southern or Central New Hampshire or the near the NH/VT border on Tuesday from noon to three and were listening to any one of three talk radio stations, you might have been listening to me and my friend Dan substitute on the Arnie Arnesen show.
More Blogs
Monday Oct 10, 2005
I went to the IMAX theater at Providence Place for the first time. I… -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
I see there's been some minor redesign of the SG front page. I'm not… -
Friday Sep 02, 2005
If you're dying to meet us and also buy something we don't need anymo… -
Wednesday Aug 24, 2005
In the highly unlikely event you were in Southern or Central New Hamp… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
I'm not sure I'm going to make it up there tonight, but I'm hoping to… -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
We'll be going to see Paul Weller in Boston on 25 September. Anyon… -
Monday Aug 08, 2005
I may or may not get around to updating this thing. I promise nothin…