I felt like telling you all about my 21st birthday.
I just turned 21 last month. I was planning on going out on my actual birthday on the 20th. That was until I heard that there is an $8 all you can drink special on Monday nights at the Tin Roof (
gotta love college)! So I got there at midnight to meet up with a bunch of friends and got to business. I had one shot that tasted like birthday cake, another that had tabasco sauce and a ton of beer to boot. I was having a great time and then I blacked out. This is probably only the 3rd or 4th time I've ever blacked out. Hey, if you're going to black out, why not on your 21st, right? What my roommates told me the next day was some pretty funny stuff. Apparently, at the bar I got up and started dancing like an idiot to the crappy cover band that was playing that night and I yelled, "THIS IS THE BEST BAND EVER!"
during their cover of Stevie Wonder's Superstition.
After we left, I stumbled down to the local 24/7 burger place so I could get my free birthday milk shake. I was told that while we were there I kept getting up and walking around telling everyone that "I need to go exploring."
One time I came back and told everyone that I got sick, but then I whispered into my roommate's ear that I didn't really get sick, but don't tell the rest of the group otherwise. So I guess that means I was trying to impress everyone by how much I got sick haha. Honestly, I'm not sure if I got sick or not! I don't remember any of this.
On the drive back to the house I got really excited when the Beach Boys came on the radio. I started saying, "I love this verse. Or chorus. Or verse. Oh fuck, I'm going to fail my quiz tomorrow!" ha
ha I had forgotten until that moment that I had a quiz in my History of Rock summer class the next day.
Once we got home I immediately went upstairs to my bedroom, ripped all of my clothes off because I definitely wasn't coherent enough to pick and choose what I wanted to keep on. Eventually I had to run into the bathroom and get sick. When I did, apparently I remembered to lock the door behind me. My roommates say that I kept moaning and yelling that I was going to die ha
ha. One of my roommates came up to check on me and when she asked for me to open the door to let her come in and help me all I could say back was ".....I'M NAKED!"
haha so she immediately changed her mind and went back to bed haha.
I really wanted to go to Louisville for the weekend after my birthday so that's what we did Friday night. My brother and a couple of our mutual friends picked me up and we drove over to 4th Street Live. Since they were going to by my drinks all night I felt like I was obligated to get black out drunk and be hilarious like I was on the night of my birthday haha. No luck. I was knocking all of these drinks back but I barley felt a buzz
. That night was pretty uneventful (especially since I remember all of the events that took place haha).
The next night I went out with a few friends to a couple places in Lexington. It was pretty fun but nothing too much was happening so my friends knew what to do... strip club (titty bar as I like to call it haha). My friends had been trying to talk me into going to a strip club since I turned 18 and I kept telling them no and that I didn't think I would like them. I guess I just had bad perception of what they were like, but once I actually was there, I changed my mind
. I kept shaking my head with a huge smile on my face all night. That experience is something else haha.
So all and all I had a pretty damn good 21st birthday. Can anyone top my story?
I just turned 21 last month. I was planning on going out on my actual birthday on the 20th. That was until I heard that there is an $8 all you can drink special on Monday nights at the Tin Roof (

After we left, I stumbled down to the local 24/7 burger place so I could get my free birthday milk shake. I was told that while we were there I kept getting up and walking around telling everyone that "I need to go exploring."

On the drive back to the house I got really excited when the Beach Boys came on the radio. I started saying, "I love this verse. Or chorus. Or verse. Oh fuck, I'm going to fail my quiz tomorrow!" ha

Once we got home I immediately went upstairs to my bedroom, ripped all of my clothes off because I definitely wasn't coherent enough to pick and choose what I wanted to keep on. Eventually I had to run into the bathroom and get sick. When I did, apparently I remembered to lock the door behind me. My roommates say that I kept moaning and yelling that I was going to die ha

I really wanted to go to Louisville for the weekend after my birthday so that's what we did Friday night. My brother and a couple of our mutual friends picked me up and we drove over to 4th Street Live. Since they were going to by my drinks all night I felt like I was obligated to get black out drunk and be hilarious like I was on the night of my birthday haha. No luck. I was knocking all of these drinks back but I barley felt a buzz

The next night I went out with a few friends to a couple places in Lexington. It was pretty fun but nothing too much was happening so my friends knew what to do... strip club (titty bar as I like to call it haha). My friends had been trying to talk me into going to a strip club since I turned 18 and I kept telling them no and that I didn't think I would like them. I guess I just had bad perception of what they were like, but once I actually was there, I changed my mind

So all and all I had a pretty damn good 21st birthday. Can anyone top my story?
Anyone get any video?