Bush's spokesman keeps saying something about a long and hard "ideological war." So the rhetoric has shifted--it's not just a war against "terrorism" but some sort of battle of ideologies.
What the fuck? How do you dignify subway bombers or rapacious militaty governments by calling them bearers of an ideology?
I'm not in this war. The U.S. has no coherent ideology, "democracy" and "freedom" being cover words for hegemony and unfettered market capitalism. The bombers have no ideology either other than to make war on the Great Satan and anyone who isn't a religious fundamentalist fanatic.
Each "side" is justifying the other's violence. It's crazy. The U.S. war in Iraq and the Bush rhetoric is the biggest recruitment tool for "Al Qaida." The bombers are fanatic idiots. Neither side has an ideology worth respecting (because neither side shows a basic respect for human worth and life and dignity).
I think there is something ordinary people can do about this, too. I think it's time, locally, that Muslims and non-Muslims get together, talk, and unite against this violent crazed war. Find all our common interests -- in life,liberty, happiness, justice, peace, freedom -- and reject all calls to another Crusade...on both sides.
Bush's spokesman keeps saying something about a long and hard "ideological war." So the rhetoric has shifted--it's not just a war against "terrorism" but some sort of battle of ideologies.
What the fuck? How do you dignify subway bombers or rapacious militaty governments by calling them bearers of an ideology?
I'm not in this war. The U.S. has no coherent ideology, "democracy" and "freedom" being cover words for hegemony and unfettered market capitalism. The bombers have no ideology either other than to make war on the Great Satan and anyone who isn't a religious fundamentalist fanatic.
Each "side" is justifying the other's violence. It's crazy. The U.S. war in Iraq and the Bush rhetoric is the biggest recruitment tool for "Al Qaida." The bombers are fanatic idiots. Neither side has an ideology worth respecting (because neither side shows a basic respect for human worth and life and dignity).
I think there is something ordinary people can do about this, too. I think it's time, locally, that Muslims and non-Muslims get together, talk, and unite against this violent crazed war. Find all our common interests -- in life,liberty, happiness, justice, peace, freedom -- and reject all calls to another Crusade...on both sides.
Good luck with that. Most of the American populus is completely brainwashed at this point. A woman who lived next door to my dad tried to talk to me about how sorry she was for my lost and ended the conversation with the "thought" that we shouldn't change our way of life because then the terrorists will have won. WTF?!?