Violence spawns violence.
Why are stupid human beings still slaughtering other human beings?
How barbaric can we get?
It continues as so-called leaders still call for war--war for ideology, war for religion, war for turf and territory and scarce resources, war for phony reasons.
No God worthy of being a diety calls on believers to kill in his or her name.
No earthly cause is worthy of slaying innocent working people, whether it's done by blowing up subway cars or dropping bombs on wedding parties from the sky.
Where are the leaders who are willing to renounce violence, or at least to truly endorse using it as a real last resort?
When are ordinary human beings going to join together and say NO, this must stop?
I saw it happen in Ireland after the carnage at Omagh. The tolerance for violence, the looking the other way, finally stopped, and citizens on each side started trying not to ignore but to root out the violence.
It has to happen again, now, after the carnage in London.
We almost lost one of our own yesterday at Kings Cross. But actually all who were lost are "our own"--because they were living, searching, loving, striving, brilliant human beings too, and their loss for nothing, for no reason, is pathetically stupid.
I know this is a place for fun and relaxation, but it's also full of brave, smart souls who can lead a call for an adamant total refusal to tolerate any more violence.
If collectively we used as human beings used just a smidgeon of our ingenuity, creativity, and intelligence to stop the violence..who knows what could be accomplished?
Why are stupid human beings still slaughtering other human beings?
How barbaric can we get?
It continues as so-called leaders still call for war--war for ideology, war for religion, war for turf and territory and scarce resources, war for phony reasons.
No God worthy of being a diety calls on believers to kill in his or her name.
No earthly cause is worthy of slaying innocent working people, whether it's done by blowing up subway cars or dropping bombs on wedding parties from the sky.
Where are the leaders who are willing to renounce violence, or at least to truly endorse using it as a real last resort?
When are ordinary human beings going to join together and say NO, this must stop?
I saw it happen in Ireland after the carnage at Omagh. The tolerance for violence, the looking the other way, finally stopped, and citizens on each side started trying not to ignore but to root out the violence.
It has to happen again, now, after the carnage in London.
We almost lost one of our own yesterday at Kings Cross. But actually all who were lost are "our own"--because they were living, searching, loving, striving, brilliant human beings too, and their loss for nothing, for no reason, is pathetically stupid.
I know this is a place for fun and relaxation, but it's also full of brave, smart souls who can lead a call for an adamant total refusal to tolerate any more violence.
If collectively we used as human beings used just a smidgeon of our ingenuity, creativity, and intelligence to stop the violence..who knows what could be accomplished?
Hmm... I don't know what you'd have to do to see my haircut. Maybe you should figure that one out on your own.
These things happen in Palestine and Israel all the time. People are only freaking out NOW because it's a Western nation (more white people are involved, the media can be all over it in a heartbeat, etc.). I think the whole thing is disgusting.
Are you in the Carolinas?!? Since when?
will be back tomorrow....leave me some wonderful instructions or just some helpful hints in my tragic self pitying phase....i'm sure i'll need it in the morning...