*shrugs* she wanted a journal update, i still got nothing to say.
hmmm, ill tell this story from this weekend.
while some jerkoffs had the audacity to gather in Wisconson, I went to my brothers last night bartending at his bar. We got tehre arounf 8:30, saw a ton of people we knew... anyway, fastfoward 5 or 6 hours, and im trashed, and was sitting at a table in the dining section(its a resturant and bar), and my half my friends wouldnt come over. i wandered to thema nd told them to come sit down, and they were being douches, so i walked back towards the table, tripped, caught myself...by pressing on teh table, which caused everything on teh table to go flying... 4 complete dinner sets, including wine glasses and everything, all broken, the whole room stops and looks at me... so embarissing.
i laid a wad of money on the bar, apologized to my brother and got the f up outta there... dumb drunk ass.
sorry about the spelling... also, i got into a musical discussion with someone , who appreantly knows nothign about music, he posted this gem and didnt understand why i was laughing at him:
hmmm, ill tell this story from this weekend.
while some jerkoffs had the audacity to gather in Wisconson, I went to my brothers last night bartending at his bar. We got tehre arounf 8:30, saw a ton of people we knew... anyway, fastfoward 5 or 6 hours, and im trashed, and was sitting at a table in the dining section(its a resturant and bar), and my half my friends wouldnt come over. i wandered to thema nd told them to come sit down, and they were being douches, so i walked back towards the table, tripped, caught myself...by pressing on teh table, which caused everything on teh table to go flying... 4 complete dinner sets, including wine glasses and everything, all broken, the whole room stops and looks at me... so embarissing.
i laid a wad of money on the bar, apologized to my brother and got the f up outta there... dumb drunk ass.
sorry about the spelling... also, i got into a musical discussion with someone , who appreantly knows nothign about music, he posted this gem and didnt understand why i was laughing at him:
"and reguardless of what you think, ALL RAP DRUMMERS SUCK/TAKE A LOOK AT MUDVAYNES DRUMMER"
@ talking to him.
Dude, that's hilarious.

haha i thought i was the only one that called someone a douche
~right on!