Asta wanted a Ramones shirt from the mall for some reason. So we went to Hot Topic and picked one up, not exactly my favorite place to be, but theres worse stores i suppose. At the register they had a metal comp. that i picked up since i need new music and I am too poor/lazy to search for it with old methods.
CD info:
AMP magazine presents Metal vol.3
1. All That Remains- The Deepest Grey
2. The Black Dhali Murder- Fineral Thirst
3. Cattle Decapitation- The Earthling
4. Decapitated- Lying and Weak
5. The Dillinger Escape Plan- Panasonic Youth
6. Dismember- As I Pull The Trigger
7. Entombed- Nobodaddy
8. Glass Casket- in Between The Sheets
9. God Forbid- Antihero
10. Hate Eternal- Powers That Be
11. Heaven Shall Burn- The Only Truth
12. Hypocrisy- New World
13. Kataklysm- Blood On The Swane
14. Legion- Knee Deep in Blood
15. Mastadon- Blood And Thunder
16. Shadows Fall- The Power Of I & I
17. Sinai Beach- Man Or Animal
18. Undying- Lament
19. Unearth- The Great Dividers
20. With Passion- Forlorn Hope
I had already heard a few songs off of this, namely ATR, Unearth & Shadows Fall... Now that I've listened to this CD nonstop for a few days, heres my thoughts.
i am not KVLT, Tr00, hxc, tech... any of that, i prefer rythem to skill, vocal patterns to cookie monstering... and so on. Being stated, I really enjoyed most of this CD and will purchase a bunch of new albums because of it... a haul as some would call it.
Albums I'm gonna cop, feel free to comment:
The Black Dhalie Murder- Unhallowed
- this one is a 'maybe', i really liked the guitar work especially the solo/lead at the 2:00 mark in the song i heard... but the vocals tend to put me off a bit
The Dillinger Escape Plan- Miss Machine
I have "Under The Running Board" but would never listen to it consistently cause the sloppy production and scatterbrain structuring. I heard the rave reviews of Miss Machine and "Panasonic Youth" is just what I would expect they would sound like with a better production budget, im down.
Entombed- Inferno
Definatly a personal suprise, the band name alone makes it seem like its gonna be blast beats and cookie monster vocals, but I really loved every aspect of this song... if it isnt an accurate representation of thier workd, let me know.
Glass Casket- We Are Gathered Here Today
Heard this before, but never listened to it completely... after a few listens it grows on you. Overall not something I'd usually listen to, but the riffing holds my attention long enough to appreicate it to the end, where theres a pleasant suprise
God Forbid- Gone Forever
saw them live a few times, but wasnt interested at the time... kinda pissed at myself for not paying better attention, should be a good album
Heaven Shall Burn- the Only Truth
Might end up being unorigional metalcore, and even Jesus-core... but I liked this song enough to give it a chance
Hypocrisy- The Arrival
Was mildly impressed until the chorus, the fact that theres actually one mainly. I hope its a consistent in their style instead of a single track occurance
Mastadon- Leviathan
Been on my list of albums to purchase for a while... this confirmed it
Sinai Beach- When Breath Escapes
another 'maybe'... i liked the song, but it was hella simple, i'll get it if its cheap or recommended by others. like the slowdown at the end, im a sucker for that
Undying-At Historys End
I'll get it if i can find it for less then 12 bucks or used...yeah
CD info:
AMP magazine presents Metal vol.3
1. All That Remains- The Deepest Grey
2. The Black Dhali Murder- Fineral Thirst
3. Cattle Decapitation- The Earthling
4. Decapitated- Lying and Weak
5. The Dillinger Escape Plan- Panasonic Youth
6. Dismember- As I Pull The Trigger
7. Entombed- Nobodaddy
8. Glass Casket- in Between The Sheets
9. God Forbid- Antihero
10. Hate Eternal- Powers That Be
11. Heaven Shall Burn- The Only Truth
12. Hypocrisy- New World
13. Kataklysm- Blood On The Swane
14. Legion- Knee Deep in Blood
15. Mastadon- Blood And Thunder
16. Shadows Fall- The Power Of I & I
17. Sinai Beach- Man Or Animal
18. Undying- Lament
19. Unearth- The Great Dividers
20. With Passion- Forlorn Hope
I had already heard a few songs off of this, namely ATR, Unearth & Shadows Fall... Now that I've listened to this CD nonstop for a few days, heres my thoughts.
i am not KVLT, Tr00, hxc, tech... any of that, i prefer rythem to skill, vocal patterns to cookie monstering... and so on. Being stated, I really enjoyed most of this CD and will purchase a bunch of new albums because of it... a haul as some would call it.
Albums I'm gonna cop, feel free to comment:
The Black Dhalie Murder- Unhallowed
- this one is a 'maybe', i really liked the guitar work especially the solo/lead at the 2:00 mark in the song i heard... but the vocals tend to put me off a bit
The Dillinger Escape Plan- Miss Machine
I have "Under The Running Board" but would never listen to it consistently cause the sloppy production and scatterbrain structuring. I heard the rave reviews of Miss Machine and "Panasonic Youth" is just what I would expect they would sound like with a better production budget, im down.
Entombed- Inferno
Definatly a personal suprise, the band name alone makes it seem like its gonna be blast beats and cookie monster vocals, but I really loved every aspect of this song... if it isnt an accurate representation of thier workd, let me know.
Glass Casket- We Are Gathered Here Today
Heard this before, but never listened to it completely... after a few listens it grows on you. Overall not something I'd usually listen to, but the riffing holds my attention long enough to appreicate it to the end, where theres a pleasant suprise
God Forbid- Gone Forever
saw them live a few times, but wasnt interested at the time... kinda pissed at myself for not paying better attention, should be a good album
Heaven Shall Burn- the Only Truth
Might end up being unorigional metalcore, and even Jesus-core... but I liked this song enough to give it a chance
Hypocrisy- The Arrival
Was mildly impressed until the chorus, the fact that theres actually one mainly. I hope its a consistent in their style instead of a single track occurance
Mastadon- Leviathan
Been on my list of albums to purchase for a while... this confirmed it
Sinai Beach- When Breath Escapes
another 'maybe'... i liked the song, but it was hella simple, i'll get it if its cheap or recommended by others. like the slowdown at the end, im a sucker for that
Undying-At Historys End
I'll get it if i can find it for less then 12 bucks or used...yeah
Dude, burn me some copies of those. Pleeeeeeeeeze?

mmmmmmmm ramones........wait, are they they same as ramen?