boring weekend... but the start of football season is good, makes me glad. went shopping and bought new clothes...havent done that in over 3 years. Im back at work for 5 mo days.. jsut grindin away at the work wee...but i think i love my job too much to bitch about it. i miss my shadow amde of plastic, but ill get my fill tonight and this week.
should i save up and move out or stick it out and take care of the fam? i know they're crazy...and destructive, but they're my crazy destructive family... everyone else flees either intentionally or cause of circumstances of career/school..whatever. Id love to own the house i grew up in, i could make it into a quality piece of land... one day.
*editted for shittie spel-lengs
[Edited on Sep 14, 2004 4:54PM]