well that was the king of partys, i shall never speak of another party, for they all pale in comparisson to BUSTERFEST
*1 house in an industrial area, no neighbors, massive parking for 200 directly across the street.
*10 Kegs, running auto pressurized, and set up to come out a cooler equipt with dual taps.
*1 traditional beer pong table
*1 raised professional beerpong table, with cupholder, markers for locations and oh yeah, it was painted like a football field. cups in the endzones
*1 flipcup table
*1 Horseshoe pit
*1 basketball court
*8 speakers playing good music as loud as you fucking want.
*75-100 of Buster's closest friends, and bitches.... Buster is a dog, he needs his bitches.
ims till wearing my BUSTERFEST t shirt. passed out on my bed with the lights on, clothes under me, no blanket...except that sweater i was sleeping on.
oh yeah i also did a nice 9 shot firework in the road at 3am last night, right before i stumbled in the house to go to bed. think the cops came. it set off Bryans car alarm. good times.
*1 house in an industrial area, no neighbors, massive parking for 200 directly across the street.
*10 Kegs, running auto pressurized, and set up to come out a cooler equipt with dual taps.
*1 traditional beer pong table
*1 raised professional beerpong table, with cupholder, markers for locations and oh yeah, it was painted like a football field. cups in the endzones
*1 flipcup table
*1 Horseshoe pit
*1 basketball court
*8 speakers playing good music as loud as you fucking want.
*75-100 of Buster's closest friends, and bitches.... Buster is a dog, he needs his bitches.
ims till wearing my BUSTERFEST t shirt. passed out on my bed with the lights on, clothes under me, no blanket...except that sweater i was sleeping on.
oh yeah i also did a nice 9 shot firework in the road at 3am last night, right before i stumbled in the house to go to bed. think the cops came. it set off Bryans car alarm. good times.
Holy shit!

that just makes it harder