I fucking feel like shit.
I'm sick as hell just sitting in front of my computer debating whether or not I should go to work.
Can't even remember the last time I was this sick but I know that it fucking sucks.
So, how is everyone elses day going??
I'm sick as hell just sitting in front of my computer debating whether or not I should go to work.
Can't even remember the last time I was this sick but I know that it fucking sucks.
So, how is everyone elses day going??
Hope yer feelin better!
Hope ya don't start
Think Tea!
Love & Peace
Lil Ole Me
You waNt to bE mY fRieNd, So thAt BasIcLy mEans:
YoU HaVe trEmeNdouS StyLe
You Can TAkE a JoKe
You HAve ExePtionAl tAstE in wOMen
ChEErs FrieNd,
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