I fell asleep on death [09 Apr 2004|09:10am]
I fell asleep at like fucking 2 am last night and I got up at 8:30. And before that I fell asleep at 4pm and got up at 11pm. So I got alot of sleep and I missed work. I couldn't find biff to go to the Harmony Korine Q and A thingy. And I cried and cried because I couldn't go...! Not really, but I was upset. And yet again, another day I have off from work, me and the brett don't do anything. That fucking sucks. I'm so pissed I wasted another night. I am either fired at the slut palace or I have to pay a fine of 50 dollars for not coming into work last night! Fuck that! So I called scores to see about getting the job and the manager said to call back today around 8pm to talk to the woman who hires to see if she is going to hire me. Awesome. I will definantly call back. I hope I get hired! Because this shit at the slut palace sucks and the girls are sketchy. It really pisses me off. Because the girls that are getting dances now are either dead hot in an all american kind of way or sluts that get fucked in the back room. So that reflects badly on me! Fuck that! And there is no business there right now! So I want Scores! Fuck beavis! I gotta go home now, but it was nice talking to you!
I get knocked down!
I fell asleep at like fucking 2 am last night and I got up at 8:30. And before that I fell asleep at 4pm and got up at 11pm. So I got alot of sleep and I missed work. I couldn't find biff to go to the Harmony Korine Q and A thingy. And I cried and cried because I couldn't go...! Not really, but I was upset. And yet again, another day I have off from work, me and the brett don't do anything. That fucking sucks. I'm so pissed I wasted another night. I am either fired at the slut palace or I have to pay a fine of 50 dollars for not coming into work last night! Fuck that! So I called scores to see about getting the job and the manager said to call back today around 8pm to talk to the woman who hires to see if she is going to hire me. Awesome. I will definantly call back. I hope I get hired! Because this shit at the slut palace sucks and the girls are sketchy. It really pisses me off. Because the girls that are getting dances now are either dead hot in an all american kind of way or sluts that get fucked in the back room. So that reflects badly on me! Fuck that! And there is no business there right now! So I want Scores! Fuck beavis! I gotta go home now, but it was nice talking to you!
I get knocked down!