This is it... I failed [08 Apr 2004|11:37am]
I failed at live or uh, painting. Monty said he's prolly giving me an f. He says this because I'm always late or leave early and I am not getting shit done. But he likes the painting I'm working on now.. I swear I am going to try to get my shit together so I can at least make a d in this class. Failing is not an option. But when he told me this I had already put up my paints to leave early, so I felt awkward about getting them back out to look like I was trying to please him. So I just left. Some art class buddies of mine are going out to eat at Shaberty but I have no money to join them so I may just go home to get some money and come back later for my class I have to paint a fucking color wheel in... I'm slipping dead bad. I got my cell working and I was going to post the number here so you cats can call me but I forgot it already and I left my bag in the hall. So I will post it later tonight. I gotta go to slut hell tonight. And I hope I make at least 100 dollars, though I am sure I will. Scores hasn't called back yet so I am going to call them tonight from my awesome cell phone. I wanted to go to Nashville to meet Harmony Korine with this kid called biff but i can't find him and I know he is leaving so so thats an opportunity missed. man I rule. Anyways gotta go over eat and cut myself now. Talk to you chaps later on in life. Buh-Bye!
I get knocked down!
I failed at live or uh, painting. Monty said he's prolly giving me an f. He says this because I'm always late or leave early and I am not getting shit done. But he likes the painting I'm working on now.. I swear I am going to try to get my shit together so I can at least make a d in this class. Failing is not an option. But when he told me this I had already put up my paints to leave early, so I felt awkward about getting them back out to look like I was trying to please him. So I just left. Some art class buddies of mine are going out to eat at Shaberty but I have no money to join them so I may just go home to get some money and come back later for my class I have to paint a fucking color wheel in... I'm slipping dead bad. I got my cell working and I was going to post the number here so you cats can call me but I forgot it already and I left my bag in the hall. So I will post it later tonight. I gotta go to slut hell tonight. And I hope I make at least 100 dollars, though I am sure I will. Scores hasn't called back yet so I am going to call them tonight from my awesome cell phone. I wanted to go to Nashville to meet Harmony Korine with this kid called biff but i can't find him and I know he is leaving so so thats an opportunity missed. man I rule. Anyways gotta go over eat and cut myself now. Talk to you chaps later on in life. Buh-Bye!
I get knocked down!