It's too much to do Saturday.
I'm already late to meet my friends at Amoeba and spend other peoples money (petty cash, baby).
Then I'm gonna meet my friend Mark Kozelek, from the band Red House Painters, and go eat German chow at the Red Lion. Then I wanna talk them into driving down to Booshanky's. If they don't go for the drive, we may meet my friend Sarah at the Troubadour and see The Start. Or maybe Voltaire is dancing tonight? That would be cool. We'll see.
Actually, I wish I was in Canada collecting food for the poor with mtlqueen. It would have been fun to light the houses on fire that wouldn't give up the cans. That's how I can contribute...
More later>>>>>>>>>
I'm already late to meet my friends at Amoeba and spend other peoples money (petty cash, baby).
Then I'm gonna meet my friend Mark Kozelek, from the band Red House Painters, and go eat German chow at the Red Lion. Then I wanna talk them into driving down to Booshanky's. If they don't go for the drive, we may meet my friend Sarah at the Troubadour and see The Start. Or maybe Voltaire is dancing tonight? That would be cool. We'll see.
Actually, I wish I was in Canada collecting food for the poor with mtlqueen. It would have been fun to light the houses on fire that wouldn't give up the cans. That's how I can contribute...

More later>>>>>>>>>

story for you:
i had never met anyone like ron diamondstein, when i first met him in 1993 at kalx in berkeley. he was a genine new york-bred jew, with a REALLY thick accent. he was also extremely intelligent and well read- i used to love to listen to his reviews of books and movies, just for the combination of that thick accent and big words. he was also a big-time junkie. he was such a romantic character to me, and i knew that i had to cherish every moment i knew him, b/c if he kept on the path he was on, he would surely die.
anyway, whenever he shot up, he would become very animated. there were a lot of great stories from when ron was high, but my favorite one was from when he and a few other people from kalx went to go see a red house painters show. this was in 1993, remember, so they weren't all that popular yet. there weren't that many people at the show, and after each song the crowd barely clapped. after a few songs with nothing but, 'clap........clap.......clap.......clap......' from the audience, ron decided to clap furiously after each song and yell,'horse with no name! horse with no name!'
you kinda have to know ron to appreciate that story
oh, and he stopped doing heroin about 5 years ago, so he ain't dead
so, am i a lady, a woman, or a girl?
or none of the above?
[Edited on Feb 16, 2003]