If I had a time machine, I would use it exclusively for my twisted sexual gain. Here are some of the women I would like to have time machine sex with...
Shirley MacLaine...............1960
Kim Cattrall......................1981
Mary Queen Of Scots.........1559
Alyson Hannigan................1998
Kate Jackson.....................1976
Lillian Gish........................1922
Flame (porn star)..............1989
Betty Page........................1955
Jean Arthur......................1944
Carolyn Jones (Morticia)..1964
Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend...
Shirley MacLaine...............1960
Kim Cattrall......................1981
Mary Queen Of Scots.........1559
Alyson Hannigan................1998
Kate Jackson.....................1976
Lillian Gish........................1922
Flame (porn star)..............1989
Betty Page........................1955
Jean Arthur......................1944
Carolyn Jones (Morticia)..1964

Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend...
I think Kim still looks amazing too. She was just hornier in Porky's.
Audrey Hepburn...................1952
[Edited on Feb 08, 2003]