Deeply sorry for not getting back to everyone over the past few months. I hope everyone had a nice holiday, and new year. It was a rough holiday for me, and I needed to step back.
The second semester of school began three weeks ago, and so far I'm doing really good. I made the dean's list. I worked my butt off so I'm really proud, and I'm trying to keep up the momentum. Although, I have some of the winter blues now. I'm ready for spring, I'm ready to go outside and play some basketball, tennis, and hit some golf balls. I know that it is possible for me to go outside right now and play, but I'm just too sensitive to the cold weather. I end up just standing in one spot whining and shivering.
Any advice (other than yoga) to improve flexibility. I always thought that stretching was the best thing for you, but recently I read that it actually is the complete opposite. I don't know what to think, if someone could shed some light on the matter I'd appreciate it.
I thought of talking about how much I loathe LOL Cats, but then I thought what's the point? Replace the Cats in LOL Cat pictures with pictures of Marilyn Manson, and then u can haz win.
The second semester of school began three weeks ago, and so far I'm doing really good. I made the dean's list. I worked my butt off so I'm really proud, and I'm trying to keep up the momentum. Although, I have some of the winter blues now. I'm ready for spring, I'm ready to go outside and play some basketball, tennis, and hit some golf balls. I know that it is possible for me to go outside right now and play, but I'm just too sensitive to the cold weather. I end up just standing in one spot whining and shivering.
Any advice (other than yoga) to improve flexibility. I always thought that stretching was the best thing for you, but recently I read that it actually is the complete opposite. I don't know what to think, if someone could shed some light on the matter I'd appreciate it.
I thought of talking about how much I loathe LOL Cats, but then I thought what's the point? Replace the Cats in LOL Cat pictures with pictures of Marilyn Manson, and then u can haz win.
There's been a smidgen of sunshine here the last couple of days and even though I'm not a sporty person, I've tried to make the most of it. Sitting outside and basking in it with my cat.