Zombie Informer.com
Project I've been working on with some friends... hope you guys like it!
This year has been CRAZY so far. I got signed to produce the art on a game much like "Magic - The Gathering" except it has a game board and boardgame pieces (all of which I'll be producing myself). I've been coming together with other creatives in hopes of creating something that will blow people away. The game is called "Risen" and it's a lot like Magic except you it has to do with Zombie Survival. If you're a fellow artist or creative alike and If you're interested in checking this thing out or contributing artwork or monetarily to it's production, LET ME KNOW by shooting me an email at thomas.charland@hotmail.com or by checking out the Kickstarter site at right here!. I'm really excited about this game and I think it will help make my company "Informed Studios" grow to epic levels. I want to help as many creatives out along the way so PLEASE let me know if I can help you!
Much love as always, SG
Tom aka Cloud Strife
Project I've been working on with some friends... hope you guys like it!
This year has been CRAZY so far. I got signed to produce the art on a game much like "Magic - The Gathering" except it has a game board and boardgame pieces (all of which I'll be producing myself). I've been coming together with other creatives in hopes of creating something that will blow people away. The game is called "Risen" and it's a lot like Magic except you it has to do with Zombie Survival. If you're a fellow artist or creative alike and If you're interested in checking this thing out or contributing artwork or monetarily to it's production, LET ME KNOW by shooting me an email at thomas.charland@hotmail.com or by checking out the Kickstarter site at right here!. I'm really excited about this game and I think it will help make my company "Informed Studios" grow to epic levels. I want to help as many creatives out along the way so PLEASE let me know if I can help you!
Much love as always, SG

Tom aka Cloud Strife
Also a little side note, if this thing blows up... there are graphic novels, comics and things of that nature that will follow this story line. Those too, will need individuals to provide creatively to their cause! Thanks again! =)
Oh wow this sounds super amazing! Good luck =)