The sun came up with no conclusions
Flowers sleeping in their beds
The city's cemetery's humming
I'm wide awake, it's morning
And I have my drugs, I have my woman
They keep away my loneliness
My parents, they have their religion
But sleep in separate houses

I read the body count out of the paper
And now it's written all over my face
And no...
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hhhhmmmm......wait wait wait. whats this my fiance and friend are forming alliances against me, i drank not loads i had two minging alcho pop thing it's cherry flavoured disgusting but i love it and two glasses of red wine, one shot of jager and i double vodka redbull. thats it but i was quite pissed, it was also like a sweatbox in the zodiac......that was the club i went to after the star.

me and carly had a fight then we talked and sorted out everything.....the boys don't beleive me and the girls were running around like headless chickens. there were several million requests to meet you and i assured everyone that there isn't anyone more perfect for me than you. all in all it was quite funny,

xxxx kiss kiss kiss xxxx
i got put in a taxi home by some of my friends....i was slaughtered..

glad u got pissed greta
i had a new story for you but..........i'm pretty sure no one would understand it unless they were in the military..........so..........my night at work was very much a downer........thank you and godnight
And theres me just in the mood for some stories about forces in Germany, too. frown
i wrote so much before this...........but it was deleted biggrin
right you have no idea how jealous i am,.........where in the hell did emma get that space buggy thingy, i want one, aha ha ha

hey baby, hope work was good for you and i'm so sorry i missed you..

go get the baddies for me, ha ha

xxxx kiss
so i went to luxenburg this weekend.........i found heaven and got trashed with two germans and four irish girls........it could be that Boo's K'fe is the best place on earth, it was hot there but i didn't sweat........the people were all beautiful, young and old...........they speak french in heaven......i didn't know this but its true.......oh yeah the redbull is eating my soul right now.........i can...
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you are a big geek, heaven smeaven,

really who's face did you come over last night????


oh yeah are you playing good cop bad cop, and your buddy is begging you to not steal the internet>?

kiss kiss kiss
when i saw this i thought it was the most degrading group of words ever,........and then i laughed ARRR!!!
Those tire tracks
Zigzag your torso like a Devil's self portrait
The car accident, the skin graft treatment, the flower baskets
The wincing relatives...

You bid her farewell then got in your car
And that's the last thing that you can recall
And when they pulled you out
You didn't know your name
Exploding semi truck blurred your face with flame...

You met Jane four...
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Here is a song i started to write........kind of skechy

The oils fields burn making everything bright...lets show them how we live, lets show them how we fightthe smell in the air, it reeks of burnt fleshchildren are playing just hoping for the bestmisery is written on faces that see the madness of war, without human decencyofficials make decisions that are crippling see our future...
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love you
i really like this, it sounds very promising.

can i be your roadie if you become famous wink

