Note: So, here I am at Beverly Beach, Or. The last time I camped here was in the sixth grade. My mom was my teacher. Every year she would take her class to this campground. Where her students would take tours of the tide pools and Mark O. Hatfield M arine Research center in Newport. Well, when I reached the 6th grade it was my turn for the trip. My mother and I camped out in our big dodge van, she would get up every hour to make rounds and check on the other students who were in tents. About 1 in the morning the heavens opend up with a monster rain storm. 2 tents flooded and th 4 girls from those tents then had to crash in our van. I had to sleep sitting up, or at least try to sleep. It was the last time my mom took a class camping.
flash forward many years, and here I sit enjoying the campground much more this time around. It was sunny and warm today, and there is no rain in the forecast. Right now I am enjoying a cool Heineken, and some lunchables. Closer to sunset I'll make my way down to the beach for some photo's, a joint, and a spectacular view of the Pacific ocean. I love Oregon so much. Tonight I'll build a fire and roast some hotdogs, make some smores, drink more beer, and smoke more weed. Can life get any better? A super cool female companion would make it tops, but I settle for some alone time. Makes for better songwriting I guess. Well, cheers for now. Take care!
flash forward many years, and here I sit enjoying the campground much more this time around. It was sunny and warm today, and there is no rain in the forecast. Right now I am enjoying a cool Heineken, and some lunchables. Closer to sunset I'll make my way down to the beach for some photo's, a joint, and a spectacular view of the Pacific ocean. I love Oregon so much. Tonight I'll build a fire and roast some hotdogs, make some smores, drink more beer, and smoke more weed. Can life get any better? A super cool female companion would make it tops, but I settle for some alone time. Makes for better songwriting I guess. Well, cheers for now. Take care!