On the job front. I think I may be in at Home Depot. I took the drug test yesterday. Thankfully they make great products like Synthetic Urine. I hope I get the job. It probably won't be many hours and it's about half the hourly rate I was making in retail management, but the lower stress level evens that aspect for me. I am soo broke, and I am happy. I know that sounds wierd. I am lucky to have great suporting parents to help support me through the tough times. I don't like leeching off them, and I know people who don't have that in their life. I can't really do anything about that though. I am just happy to be making the descions in my life based on what I want to to do, rather than money. I have always been somewhat materialistic. In that, I mean if some new gadget came out, I had to have it. I had to have a nice truck too. I have now left most of that behind, and feel 10x's better. Mt. Hood has recieved a blast of early sping snow, and I really want to go up there. Even if I can't afford a lift ticket. It still would be awesome to play around in the snow. Something I have really missed this winter. Well, I guess that's it for now. Have a great day! Cheers!!
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