Upon realizing that going from no school to full time college is a very difficult thing, I dropped 2 calsses and went down to part time. My original intention was to go to school part time year round. As opposed to full time during the fall and spring semesters. But I thought the only way to get financial aid was to go part time. Turns out I was wrong. I am still eligible for financial aid. In fact I might get a little more. Enough to cover both my classes and maybe a little left over for summer. So now I am back to plan A, classes monday and weds, and getting a full time job to pay the bills. This will give me more time to do HW. Because english and math are gonna be a bitch to do. The only issue I may have now is needed to take time off for my special needs problem. If I want to take advantage of the untimed tests, I would have to take off during the day. I think most jobs would be somewhat considerate if I am up front with them.
Well, best of luck to me. And time to do math homework.
Well, best of luck to me. And time to do math homework.
Will you be at Albion this weekend? I'm pretty sure i'll be there.