HAHAHAHA, I cannot believe this.....
So, I have been unemployed for nearly 10 months, and, heheh, get this...capital one decides to INCREASe my credit limit by a thousand! IN FUCKING CREASE!!!!
WTF is wrong with the world? When I had a steady job I couldnt gte a card with more then a 300 limit. And for some odd reason, I qualified for another card with a 3500 limite while I was um employed about 6 months ago, HAHHAHA! ANd I am maxed out on that one right now, hehehehe!!!!
Lord, what a wonderful world.
So, I have been unemployed for nearly 10 months, and, heheh, get this...capital one decides to INCREASe my credit limit by a thousand! IN FUCKING CREASE!!!!
WTF is wrong with the world? When I had a steady job I couldnt gte a card with more then a 300 limit. And for some odd reason, I qualified for another card with a 3500 limite while I was um employed about 6 months ago, HAHHAHA! ANd I am maxed out on that one right now, hehehehe!!!!
Lord, what a wonderful world.
Go shopping.