I seriously hate reality.
I hate more the fact that I refuse to grow up.
I Hate EVEN MORE the fact that reality is forcing me to grow up.
And I will never turn into my father.
I had to miss SKinny Puppy last night. I did the responsible thing and not spend the last of my money on a concert.
SEl/kcmt nfc m/c;lewy5nfdocsr6txlkngfczjsekjlrd cw5xut.mnfda viylrsthyigbkmfu4u71-2et7hufgy9pyutrewqytkia4e6by7utgjhkumugynjg vjnfb7ufhyutgjrf
That is all that comeso ut whnre I try to think of anything to say . I cant concentrate long enough to even come up with a...............................lost my triant of thought again. Couldnt even finish that sentance.
I fucking hatemyself for not being able to focus with anything.l I hgave all these feeeling and virews and images in my head but nothing evcer comeso ut becasue Ihave no fucking talent in regard to writing, drawing,. singer, acting, musioc, or even fucking speaking.
I hate more the fact that I refuse to grow up.
I Hate EVEN MORE the fact that reality is forcing me to grow up.
And I will never turn into my father.
I had to miss SKinny Puppy last night. I did the responsible thing and not spend the last of my money on a concert.
SEl/kcmt nfc m/c;lewy5nfdocsr6txlkngfczjsekjlrd cw5xut.mnfda viylrsthyigbkmfu4u71-2et7hufgy9pyutrewqytkia4e6by7utgjhkumugynjg vjnfb7ufhyutgjrf
That is all that comeso ut whnre I try to think of anything to say . I cant concentrate long enough to even come up with a...............................lost my triant of thought again. Couldnt even finish that sentance.
I fucking hatemyself for not being able to focus with anything.l I hgave all these feeeling and virews and images in my head but nothing evcer comeso ut becasue Ihave no fucking talent in regard to writing, drawing,. singer, acting, musioc, or even fucking speaking.

Everything that you are feeling I totally understand. I will be 30 soon and I feel like I have nothing figured out. But what I am learning is that whatever decisions you make nothing is ever final. The door that you opened just leads to more doors and more questions. Life is a quest. Focus on being the best you, you can be and the relationships that you build. That to me is what it is really all about.