Most Wicca I have met cant seem to tell the difference between Wicca and Pagan. They feel those words are interchangeable. They also have no problem mixing Irish deities with Greek and Egyption deities(wich I find boderline offensive to these faiths). Never mind that fact that they were thousands of miles and hundreds of years apart. With absoulutely nothing to do with one another. They also have no clue that the Pentacle is in fact a greek mathematical symbol. They have no sense of history of the religon. They are, for lack of a better Term, "Baby witches." Now, to be fair, alot of them are late teens early 20's, pissed at there parents, and searching for identity. So they go to barnes & nobles, pick up a book, and BAM!!! They are WICCA!!!. So, or course I am not expecting them to be geniuses on the matter.
Personally, the most annoying thing I find is when I meet some who doesnt know what a Druid is. I met a guy who claimed to have druid blood in him, as if the druids were a race!!! HELLO!!!! They were the priest class Of the Celts!!! They were not a race!!!!
Now, the few long term practicioners I know have a very good head on there shoulders. They have a good sense of history regarding there religon and its roots. They are aware that Wicca is not a luvy dubby tree hugger religon. And they are not doing it just to piss off there family. I can sit there and talk to them. We have theological discussion about the pagan roots of Catholicismn and Christianity. We talk about the difference between pre-christian Religons and the like. And I get good answers, not just your standard,"Well, chritianity killed us all and now we are comming back and taking over! JESUS SUCKS MAN!!!"
Personally, the most annoying thing I find is when I meet some who doesnt know what a Druid is. I met a guy who claimed to have druid blood in him, as if the druids were a race!!! HELLO!!!! They were the priest class Of the Celts!!! They were not a race!!!!
Now, the few long term practicioners I know have a very good head on there shoulders. They have a good sense of history regarding there religon and its roots. They are aware that Wicca is not a luvy dubby tree hugger religon. And they are not doing it just to piss off there family. I can sit there and talk to them. We have theological discussion about the pagan roots of Catholicismn and Christianity. We talk about the difference between pre-christian Religons and the like. And I get good answers, not just your standard,"Well, chritianity killed us all and now we are comming back and taking over! JESUS SUCKS MAN!!!"
damn that DOES suck.