I've gotten into the habit of downloading and watching (over and over again) Michael Jackson videos. It is interesting to watch a) the man's progression to a more and more ghoulish visage and lack of facial expression, b) the absoulutely fantastic dance moves inherent in each installment, and c) the underlying theme of nearly all his videos: Michael Jackson is magical.

That last one might...
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This downtime is killing me...I've been playing a whole buttload of City of Villains recently, I can tell you that. I've also realized that being out of the country for four months is very stressful when trying to catch up with not only people, but TV shows and comic book storylines. It's a good thing I got all this time on my damn hands, so...
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Yeah, so I'm back in DC. It's 5:30 AM and I can't sleep since I'm still on Italian time, but oh well. For real though, that shit was off the hook. OFF THE HOOK, SON.

Maybe with ready access to internet now I'll actually update this thing once in a while. Meh, I'm also pretty lazy, so maybe not...

Also, to anyone who cares, I...
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yeah so uh...i'm in florence. i don't know a lick of italian, which will make this whole first week pretty interesting, but hey, i'm an adaptable guy. supposedly.

my host family is pretty fly - an english teacher and her 25-year-old daughter, who is working as a graphic artist and is pretty neat overall. she actually took me to a pop/punk/hardcore show this weekend, which...
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I'm sittin' pretty in Ireland, bitches! "Spring break" is a weird fucking concept since study abroad in Italy is pretty much a vacation anyways.
Too bad I'm pretty much out of money, with a month and a half left to go in Florence. I wish I were good at telling stories, cuz then I'd mention more eloquently what's been happening -

Been to Venice and Carnivale, seen ?uestlove at the Flog, admired a lot of graffiti, lost money at strip clubs in Barcelona, gotten drunk with the Irish, painted my face silver, and well, more I guess. Whatever.

Life, ugh. I cut my hair too, I'm nearly bald.
and an addition - if anyone actually legitimately reads this, i suck at updating. like whoa. i'm far too busy not walking 20 mintues to school to use the internet.

AND if a little asian girl named Jen pops up as a SuicideGirl in the relatively near future, give her mad props and encouragement since i totally know her. phaaat.
Wow. I just spent pretty much my entire day unifying ancient China. And by that, I mean playing Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires. And by that, I mean being a huge dork and overall ridiculous person. But hey, I gotta get my fill sometime. I had temporarily banned myself from my precious PS2 during finals, and won't be taking it with me to Italy, so this...
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Who am I kidding, how can I pass this all up? Especially with my chronic boredom problem...and my chronic procrastination problem...and my general internet addiction...I really should get on that. so I'll eventually get around to fleshing out the profile, uploading some non-silly/even sillier pics, but in the meantime, the invitation to holla still stands
I'd just like to point out that they have teh interwerb in Italy. But they call it El Interwerbario. Thank me later. And "holler."
thank you magnet. you a a reliable source of internet wisdom, regardless of translation.
Most likely, this is extremely temporary, sinc e I'll be leaving the country for Italy rather soon. But hey, while I'm here, holla.