wow. back after a seriously official 3-hour laser tag session. with 20 liquored-up individuals. my clothes are drenched in sweat and i had trouble walking up the stairs. I'm confused by the feelings of exhaustion from playing, and the satisfaction from having stupid fun friends, and sickness from the nasty ass pizza the laser tag place fed us. that shit was drenched in hot sauce and random chicken parts for meat. chicken penis pizza.
i went and saw blackalicious the other day at a college concert. there was lots of the typical "put your hands up, jump up, scream, scream louder, get down" stuff, and something about one black man telling hundreds of white college students what to do amused me in a most un-PC manner.
i went and saw blackalicious the other day at a college concert. there was lots of the typical "put your hands up, jump up, scream, scream louder, get down" stuff, and something about one black man telling hundreds of white college students what to do amused me in a most un-PC manner.
thanks for commenting on my set

I mean, every piece of furniture in our living room was my step dad's before he died. And he was a hunter, so it's all very dark with lots of bird and deer motifs. I don't mind it, but I think in a house where one woman is obsessed with feminine things and flowers and the other is obsessed with bright and cute... they don't quite fit.