Ah hell, what a day.
Work was uneventful so I won't go into the boring details of stocking dildos, cockrings, and other such sexual implements.
After work I collected up my rehearsal drumset and more or less quit my band. Shit, the band hasn't even been together since October. Mark says we're going to get together real soon, but nothing ever pans out. Just because there are no gigs lined up doesn't mean we can't rehearse. Hell, by now we could of had 2 or 3 albums worth of originals. There is something to be said for just getting together and playing.
I don't know. I haven't officially quit, but whats the point in sticking around if nothing is going on? Everyone else claims to be into it, but I don't see any effort being made. I think I'll just practice on my own for now. It's been so long since I've played with other musicians. Until I've loosened up I don't feel comfortable playing with another band. Besides, the music scene in Bloomington bites.
After I got my drumset I got to hang with a real good friend of mine, so that's a plus. We talked music and books for a good four hours.
And hey, hey I got a friends request from luxdivon. That's cool.
I guess today the good and the bad evened out.
Work was uneventful so I won't go into the boring details of stocking dildos, cockrings, and other such sexual implements.
After work I collected up my rehearsal drumset and more or less quit my band. Shit, the band hasn't even been together since October. Mark says we're going to get together real soon, but nothing ever pans out. Just because there are no gigs lined up doesn't mean we can't rehearse. Hell, by now we could of had 2 or 3 albums worth of originals. There is something to be said for just getting together and playing.
I don't know. I haven't officially quit, but whats the point in sticking around if nothing is going on? Everyone else claims to be into it, but I don't see any effort being made. I think I'll just practice on my own for now. It's been so long since I've played with other musicians. Until I've loosened up I don't feel comfortable playing with another band. Besides, the music scene in Bloomington bites.
After I got my drumset I got to hang with a real good friend of mine, so that's a plus. We talked music and books for a good four hours.
And hey, hey I got a friends request from luxdivon. That's cool.
I guess today the good and the bad evened out.
I can't wear white. Kool-Aid stains and such.

Yup, and the Vikings don't have a chance in hell this season without Moss. So mostly I'm just going to cheer on Favre's demise.