Well fuck, this is my first entry so I'll try and make it intelligent.
First, excuse the Darth Vader photo as my profile picture. It will have to do until I buy a camera. The last camera I owned was one of those crappy disc cameras back in the 80s. What a fucking piece of shit that thing was.
This is the first journal I've ever kept and will be the first time I've tried to make friends over the internet. Hope I don't come off as a complete douche bag.
I'll probably be using this journal to talk about my job mostly, but not exclusively. My job of course if you read my profile is in the porn business. Retail that is, not filmmaking. Yes, boys and girls I'll be regaling you with the comedy and tragedy of working in a porn store.
I've had many retail jobs during my miserable existence (Kmart, Goodwill, Dollar General) but none quite like the porn store. Until I started there I never uttered the phrase: "Anal is too tight, it needs to be expanded."
Think I'll end with that little nugget. Hell, no one's going to be reading this until I make my existence known. Suppose I should go do that.
First, excuse the Darth Vader photo as my profile picture. It will have to do until I buy a camera. The last camera I owned was one of those crappy disc cameras back in the 80s. What a fucking piece of shit that thing was.
This is the first journal I've ever kept and will be the first time I've tried to make friends over the internet. Hope I don't come off as a complete douche bag.
I'll probably be using this journal to talk about my job mostly, but not exclusively. My job of course if you read my profile is in the porn business. Retail that is, not filmmaking. Yes, boys and girls I'll be regaling you with the comedy and tragedy of working in a porn store.
I've had many retail jobs during my miserable existence (Kmart, Goodwill, Dollar General) but none quite like the porn store. Until I started there I never uttered the phrase: "Anal is too tight, it needs to be expanded."
Think I'll end with that little nugget. Hell, no one's going to be reading this until I make my existence known. Suppose I should go do that.
OMG. frosted animal cookies are the best.