Faced recently with a friend who's family is dealing with a hoarding issue. Making me want to de-clutter and address my family's issues, too! Let's hear from all of the disorganized people out there!
umm . . . thanks for all of the positive encouragement! I kicked ass on the essay but it is only 15%. Hopefully I survived the mc, that is another story!
Enjoyed two of Bogart's best tonight, The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon! Swamped with work trying to keep my head above water. Just returned from NYC on a great trip but missed out meeting up with a friend
I've been rocking the Olympics today! Rooting for my fellow Americans and Dutch relations. I hope the weather cooperates for the athletes. Hopefully I can survive the cheesy human interest stories. Did you see the American mogul ski chick with the pink hair? She looked like she was from SG, lol!