Long time no see.
I am sicker than I've been in at least 2 years. The flu, I guess. There's been an epidemic in Dallas, and LUCKY ME. I caught it. Everyone else in the house did too, though, so I don't feel so alone... even if they are over it now.
Hill & I drove from Dallas to Oregon and back a couple of weeks ago. Drove up there, stayed about a week while we got all of my shit packed up, and then came back down here. The trip back with 3 cats was interesting. Kaze went with us up there, so by the time we headed back, he was completely crate trained & content. Lola & Zoey, on the other hand.. yeaaaahh. They hated that shit. We all made it home just fine, though, and all was once again well. They've warmed up to the new place pretty quick, too, which was surprising to me. I thought they'd adjust a lot slower than they did. But by the second day we were here, they started acting as though they owned the shit. I love my cats WAY more than I love [most] humans.
Time to throw up & crash. OH BOY.
I am sicker than I've been in at least 2 years. The flu, I guess. There's been an epidemic in Dallas, and LUCKY ME. I caught it. Everyone else in the house did too, though, so I don't feel so alone... even if they are over it now.
Hill & I drove from Dallas to Oregon and back a couple of weeks ago. Drove up there, stayed about a week while we got all of my shit packed up, and then came back down here. The trip back with 3 cats was interesting. Kaze went with us up there, so by the time we headed back, he was completely crate trained & content. Lola & Zoey, on the other hand.. yeaaaahh. They hated that shit. We all made it home just fine, though, and all was once again well. They've warmed up to the new place pretty quick, too, which was surprising to me. I thought they'd adjust a lot slower than they did. But by the second day we were here, they started acting as though they owned the shit. I love my cats WAY more than I love [most] humans.
Time to throw up & crash. OH BOY.
throw up and crash?? that's fucking awesome! muah! have funfunfun! Hot damn! you're cute!!