So I just got out of class. and I worked out today. I feel pretty accomplished. usually i'm just a bum. My tonsils are still pretty swollen. and I sound like a frog. piff. I'm really not excited about Valentine's Day.
Least favorite holiday ever. Especially when I'm single. ridiculous. On another note today i remembered that I'm easily amused as well as easily distracted. I love pirates, art, ballet, pina coladas, big cities, poetry, music, cuddling, smooching, aviators, chucks, and yeah i'm done now haha.. anyways Send me some love on this wretched hallmark holiday. and all ya'll have a beautiful day. hakuna matata
Playlist of the day:
Panic! at the Disco : Build God Then we'll Talk
Soho Dolls : Stripper
The Hanks: Bruised
This Providence : Secret Love and the fastest way to lonliness
Bob Marley: Two Joints
Radiohead: Fake Plastic Trees
Lil Mama: lipgloss
Kid Rock: So Hot
Mika: lollipop
carpe diem

Playlist of the day:
Panic! at the Disco : Build God Then we'll Talk
Soho Dolls : Stripper
The Hanks: Bruised
This Providence : Secret Love and the fastest way to lonliness
Bob Marley: Two Joints
Radiohead: Fake Plastic Trees
Lil Mama: lipgloss
Kid Rock: So Hot
Mika: lollipop
carpe diem

happ v-day
I hope you feel better and have a great weekend!