whats up? nothing here. My fingers hurt. Right after we got to band practice when I was getting out of the car, Scott slammed the door right on my fingers. Then we had to unlock the door and my fingers were just jammed in there. They were like a dark purple outlined with white, looked pretty gross. Now there just red where the door was on them but they hurt when there moved. So muxh for my bass playing huh, and the show is in what like 5 days? lol Well we got one thing down that sounds pretty good but no lyrics because our singer didnt show up today. Oh well, hopefully we'll have at least 3 songs to play Saturday. Well thats about it now, got to go to sleep to work my long day tomorrow (10am-10pm) that sucks, but oh well. take it easy everyone
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Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
yeah, whats going on everyone? absolutley nothing here, surprising h… -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
whats up? nothing here, just hanging out. got to go to work at 4 . … -
Tuesday Oct 12, 2004
whats up. nothing much here. I saw a bad ass concert last night. F… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
man, what a bad day at work. Some church sold us (i dont even know w… -
Thursday Oct 07, 2004
Im really bored now. I joined this site like 2 days ago and havent t… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
wow, I just had both of my nipples pierced tonight. They are sore, b…
ouch. hope you feel better.