Today was completely low key. A storm rolled in last night and the wind picked up so the surf was all blown out. I just took it easy all morning and then drove south to get my favorite coffee (Peet's) again.
After that I went to the beach anyway. I love being near the ocean at any time. And sometimes it is at it's most beautiful when it is stormy and wild. No surfers were out but there were some kite boarders about to head into the wind and water when I got there. Its pretty fun to watch them fly all over the place and the kites can be especially beautiful.

After that I went to the beach anyway. I love being near the ocean at any time. And sometimes it is at it's most beautiful when it is stormy and wild. No surfers were out but there were some kite boarders about to head into the wind and water when I got there. Its pretty fun to watch them fly all over the place and the kites can be especially beautiful.

Hair colorist.