any body near lund nv looks like ill be getting this job in the middle of nowhere other than that the job is perfect. I can do most of my hobbies other than havinfg to adapt a little to some new crags around the area and put up anchors and bolts so i can climb. still worried about the snowboarding thing looks like ill have to get a split board and head into back country wich is not bad and i can always put up my rails and boxes to make a little park in the yard. Hunting and fishing is awsome in the area so at least i know ill stay busy with that on my free time. vegas is 2.5 hours away so i may be able to sneek down every so often to get my party on. So it seems good so far the bad thing is ill have to live in a camper trailer for a few months cause they are building me a new house to live in. should be done in fall nothing special but i cant compalin about that. Finaly getting back to wildife management back to helping wildlife and the ecosystem hell yea. Pros outweigh the cons very much now, i need to find me my SG and ill be set. I have not got the offer yet but they have called my refrences and me to talk about the job and hinted that il get it. I hope i am not jumping the gun on this one if so ill interview for the job in mason valley close to carson city the place i really want to live.
good things are a coming
Fuck yeah, that's awesome! I happy it's working out for you
We need to meet before you leave!
got the job cant wait to start july 30.