the weekly weekend update:
friday. my show. dan doormouse + otto von schirach + baseck. good turnout. white trash theme. pictures will be up soon, evidence. as always, delt with promoters-house-as-afterparty-venue. locked myself in my room with darryl. we got really emo and drank wisconsin beer and traded "bling". fell asleep with all my clothes on.
saturday. woke up entirely too early...went to breakfast with michael from milwaukee and a guy who had driven all the way from minneapolis by himself (i let him crash on the couch) and amber. then they took off for the milwaukee show and amber and i packed for chicago. ran into veritable monsoon on the way there. met up with her friend, went to a ska show at the metro. all ages. i spilled my beer on a twelve year old. felt kind of bad but then i realized that he thought it was cool. ska was never really my thing, but this one band had some obvious metal influence and i dug that. went to ambers friends house to change. showed up at smartbar, danced. nice otto von schirach lookalike extended his hand for a dance. declined due to beer in hand. upon finishing the beer i realized that i'm single again. shook head. accepted dance. he was an awkward dancer. i like that. nice guy. issues with amber and this guy who she's been talking too. decided things were getting too tense so i left. made my 2:30am scheduled call to matty. butterflies. got a ride to his house, buzzed up. he comes running down the stairs with a new haircut (he gives great hair) and a cowboy shirt. although i recognize that this is makes me squirm. had to resist playing mortal kombat with his roommate...forced all thought of subzero out of my head and embarked on massive spooning session.
sunday. had to wake up at ten. met back up with amber and drove back home. lack of sleep really affecting me, so i took a seven hour nap. chandon woke me up at 9. went to a friends houseparty, played some electro, played with dry ice...went home, invented new cocktail, didn't name it.
it's really odd...being single again. i hope martys dealing with everything allright. i want to tell him that if he owns up, there's a chance things can still work out. but it's going to be a long time before i can forgive him and i'm really enjoying being alone.
friday. my show. dan doormouse + otto von schirach + baseck. good turnout. white trash theme. pictures will be up soon, evidence. as always, delt with promoters-house-as-afterparty-venue. locked myself in my room with darryl. we got really emo and drank wisconsin beer and traded "bling". fell asleep with all my clothes on.
saturday. woke up entirely too early...went to breakfast with michael from milwaukee and a guy who had driven all the way from minneapolis by himself (i let him crash on the couch) and amber. then they took off for the milwaukee show and amber and i packed for chicago. ran into veritable monsoon on the way there. met up with her friend, went to a ska show at the metro. all ages. i spilled my beer on a twelve year old. felt kind of bad but then i realized that he thought it was cool. ska was never really my thing, but this one band had some obvious metal influence and i dug that. went to ambers friends house to change. showed up at smartbar, danced. nice otto von schirach lookalike extended his hand for a dance. declined due to beer in hand. upon finishing the beer i realized that i'm single again. shook head. accepted dance. he was an awkward dancer. i like that. nice guy. issues with amber and this guy who she's been talking too. decided things were getting too tense so i left. made my 2:30am scheduled call to matty. butterflies. got a ride to his house, buzzed up. he comes running down the stairs with a new haircut (he gives great hair) and a cowboy shirt. although i recognize that this is makes me squirm. had to resist playing mortal kombat with his roommate...forced all thought of subzero out of my head and embarked on massive spooning session.
sunday. had to wake up at ten. met back up with amber and drove back home. lack of sleep really affecting me, so i took a seven hour nap. chandon woke me up at 9. went to a friends houseparty, played some electro, played with dry ice...went home, invented new cocktail, didn't name it.
it's really odd...being single again. i hope martys dealing with everything allright. i want to tell him that if he owns up, there's a chance things can still work out. but it's going to be a long time before i can forgive him and i'm really enjoying being alone.

hello i got a quick question for ya im moving right out side of madison this coming monday and i was just wondering if is a cool place and whut is there to do?? thanx

so beer and cheese cool well thanx ill let u no when im up there