i am totally off kilter.
i changed my profile pic to illustrate how i feel. how i FEEL. emotion, outreach, FEELING. for real for serious i want you all to understand me because i feel that not only is my suffering completely unique and interesting to EVERYONE but i also feel that it's art. ART!
or maybe i was just drug around town last night (i hate going out here) by chandon and urged (nay- FORCED) to not only drink myself to belligerency but to engage in said activity at three or five different establishments. it might sound nice to be kidnapped by a hot underage girl and be manhandled throughout the town on a mini-binge. but no. especially playing "dodge the jackies" which basically consists of avoiding unpleasant people. actually i didn't end up getting sauced, i was very restrained. if you haven't noticed, i like to save antics for towns i actually like to be in.
anyhow. i was just kidding about the feeling thing. the hurt is entirely physical today, though i expect it to wear off and reveal x amount of crotchety.
i decided to do next months flyer in ms paint. there are four versions, all patrick swayze themed, some also including robots.
actually patrick swayze is now the swayzotron 3000. sometimes i can't believe she pays me for this.
okay i'm going to post one of them. i would also like to add that ms paint is my favorite program ever.
fuckin' BUFF.
by the way, anyone in or around madison is urged to come to this show.
i changed my profile pic to illustrate how i feel. how i FEEL. emotion, outreach, FEELING. for real for serious i want you all to understand me because i feel that not only is my suffering completely unique and interesting to EVERYONE but i also feel that it's art. ART!
or maybe i was just drug around town last night (i hate going out here) by chandon and urged (nay- FORCED) to not only drink myself to belligerency but to engage in said activity at three or five different establishments. it might sound nice to be kidnapped by a hot underage girl and be manhandled throughout the town on a mini-binge. but no. especially playing "dodge the jackies" which basically consists of avoiding unpleasant people. actually i didn't end up getting sauced, i was very restrained. if you haven't noticed, i like to save antics for towns i actually like to be in.
anyhow. i was just kidding about the feeling thing. the hurt is entirely physical today, though i expect it to wear off and reveal x amount of crotchety.
i decided to do next months flyer in ms paint. there are four versions, all patrick swayze themed, some also including robots.

okay i'm going to post one of them. i would also like to add that ms paint is my favorite program ever.
fuckin' BUFF.
by the way, anyone in or around madison is urged to come to this show.

i'm completely off kilter right now
God damn you are cool. Is Chandon STILL underage?? God damn, wont that girl grow up already? She's like the chick version of Peter Pan.