Wednesday Jan 12, 2005 Jan 12, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email i need a nap, a really really long nap......i am so tired. *checks watch* 2 hours and some amount of minutes until I can go home VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS alexis: To answer your question: I have been able to take a whole bag but cramping is more like - on fuck I gotta poo RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! And I was tempted to poo in the kitties litter box if someone was using the lav. Jan 14, 2005 staindglassalice: you should really make it a point to go to the Met...especially with someone who knows lots about art an art student...<_<...>_> Jan 14, 2005
I have been able to take a whole bag but cramping is more like - on fuck I gotta poo RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! And I was tempted to poo in the kitties litter box if someone was using the lav.