Sunday Apr 16, 2006 Apr 15, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Happy Easter! I am not trying to represent one holiday, but this is what I celebrate so that is what I am saying. sharona1881: you should try yama on irving and 17th, hamachi on 20th in between park and bway, and azuki on park in between 19th and 20th. Apr 16, 2006 aksiokersa: Takahashi on 9th is good, but then...that'd be kind of a trip for you. You're going grey soon, aren't you. I can feel it coming. That's why there's no question mark. [Edited on Apr 16, 2006 6:02PM] Apr 16, 2006
You're going grey soon, aren't you. I can feel it coming. That's why there's no question mark.
[Edited on Apr 16, 2006 6:02PM]