Spent Easter with the boyfriend. We went to his family's house for dinner, and I was rather displeased there was no bickering while I was there. I was half expecting fist fight or two. Unfortunately, none of that happened.
However, there WAS about to be a fist fight due to his mother and sister being up my freaking ass about fixing their computer. I was only doing what I could, as fast as I could. This was one of those times where I wish that I wasn't a self-professed computer/game system geek.
I'm thinking of getting a gential piercing next week. Any female SG members out there with them have suggestions/pointers/helpful tips? I'd like a general consensus on which piercing works the best with everyone.
I am face deep in chips and super hot salsa. That after finishing almost an entire 24 pack of Dr. Pepper between myself and the boyfriend this weekend. I am so fucking fat.
Speaking of being an oinker (
) everyone went home for spring break and I'm stuck in Pittsburgh. Anyone (SGs or Members, whatever. I'm not picky) want to meet up and party? Aesop Rock [♥] is playing Saturday, and I need a date.
However, there WAS about to be a fist fight due to his mother and sister being up my freaking ass about fixing their computer. I was only doing what I could, as fast as I could. This was one of those times where I wish that I wasn't a self-professed computer/game system geek.
I'm thinking of getting a gential piercing next week. Any female SG members out there with them have suggestions/pointers/helpful tips? I'd like a general consensus on which piercing works the best with everyone.
I am face deep in chips and super hot salsa. That after finishing almost an entire 24 pack of Dr. Pepper between myself and the boyfriend this weekend. I am so fucking fat.
Speaking of being an oinker (

You are more than welcome to come to our party... yeah, I know it's a frat party, but we're a dirty little frat with metal heads, some gangsta ass brothas and a sprinking of dorks and potheads... well not a sprikling of potheads, more like a catastrophic rainstorm of them.