Was awesome to meet you chicky! Lookin forward to more shenanigans at the ball! I'm heading to the markets and then i will post pictures of friday night! Some sexy ass bathroom shots
Hope your time in sydney has been fun...ou'll have to come down for burlesque again
** HELL ** yes sistah! You rock. actually, you completely agree w/ me b/c i wrote the review...but as i look back i see how you'd have no idea. lol
but it kicks too much ass that we share such a passion for tool...why the hell are you so far away?? i want to hang out! or better yet, go to tool live together...
ps can you believe the drums in the middle of RI2?
Hope your time in sydney has been fun...ou'll have to come down for burlesque again
but it kicks too much ass that we share such a passion for tool...why the hell are you so far away?? i want to hang out! or better yet, go to tool live together...
ps can you believe the drums in the middle of RI2?