So today is earth day. HOORAY! Although I think everyday should be, its good this day is here to teach and inform the young and old how they can make a small but significant difference in the way our world is. Today I will use no electricity <my laptop is on battery until it runs out lol>, I will use no water except what we already have in jugs, I will drive nowhere-I will take my bike, I will plant flowers with no pesticides, I will recycle, I will freecycle, I will not use my gas stove, I will not take a shower <and live the words *dirty hippie*>, My breakfast came from a mile away and it was delish, I will consume no dead food, i.e. I will eat only raw food and obviously no animals, WHen it gets dark I will use my organic soy candles to light my home. What are you going to do? I decided at a young age this would be important to me, luckily as I grew my social life followed suit with my beliefs, the music I was engaged in and lifestyle that followed that music was huge in teaching me about such matters. I could go on forever on here on what you can and cant do. Do one thing man, 1 thing. It will snowball. Its all about the snowballs 
love and great blessings, namaste...i bow to the divine within you all.

THis home is what we plan on retiring to, or very close to it. Close to earthships in the AZ desert. They are uber sustainable and damn fine looking

This is a room I adore. THe walls are covered in reclaimed wood. HAve you tried using that? It is so beautiful and tells such a story I dont really get why youd want new wood. People that move into homes and want brand new floors because the original wood floors arent even in tone or are rough. Thats fucking style, thats history, thats substance. Wake up.

a freecycled room

i dont need to say organic you know. eat local eat fresh. it helps your body and your soul

love and great blessings, namaste...i bow to the divine within you all.

THis home is what we plan on retiring to, or very close to it. Close to earthships in the AZ desert. They are uber sustainable and damn fine looking

This is a room I adore. THe walls are covered in reclaimed wood. HAve you tried using that? It is so beautiful and tells such a story I dont really get why youd want new wood. People that move into homes and want brand new floors because the original wood floors arent even in tone or are rough. Thats fucking style, thats history, thats substance. Wake up.

a freecycled room

i dont need to say organic you know. eat local eat fresh. it helps your body and your soul

Yes, I was so excited when Eddie Vedder showed up! He is looking fine!