Both good and not the best news I suppose? I'm back on SG! I've been having some troubles which sucks and hand the money for sure and I decided that it was for the best. I mean I've been a member for many years now, why let one small dent in life change that? So back with a passion. Hopefully it goes all well... hopefully.
I have a tear in my eye and my footing is weak. I have been a loyal following member of SG since September 11th, 2005; however, with my current finances, I can't take the chance at this time to spend money I might or might not have. It's been real SG and I will never forget the great times. Someday I shall return, hopefully sooner...
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Things are; more to come; life is
Nashville has been great so far. Though Wyoming is no where near as southern, there are a lot of sights and sounds that remind me of home that Tempe did not. I do like how everything has been calm and relaxed so it's all good. The question that has come up is that I am here to do an internship. I have this feeling that...
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Thus far I am in Nashville. Yay. It has been interesting I guess. I mind the area less than the people I came with. If I had the money I would have came alone, hell I might even take the financial risk and live alone now, these guys I can't stand anymore. Damn them.
Life is life I suppose
I find myself finding that more and more my ability to learn, grasp, and retain knowledge is going away. It would be easy to say I wasn't in school and that is why... but I am in school. It could be because of drugs... but I only occasionally have a beer. Oh well I suppose.
I am starting to step...
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I find myself finding that more and more my ability to learn, grasp, and retain knowledge is going away. It would be easy to say I wasn't in school and that is why... but I am in school. It could be because of drugs... but I only occasionally have a beer. Oh well I suppose.
I am starting to step...
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Man, tough time indeed. But good as well. Tomorrow is the end of cycle 4 so that's cool. Been getting the nerve up to pull some archived mixes off of dvds and work on them. It's hard cause one song is the first band I was ever in, and I have a lot of happier emotions from that time. The other songs are from a...
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Nothing really new
Got new yo yo
Happy with new yo yo
Playing WoW as much as possible
Life is... okay...
Nothing really new
Got new yo yo
Happy with new yo yo
Playing WoW as much as possible
Life is... okay...
I've been playing a lot of wow lately too. Thank you for all your posts in my journal and such. I know i'm a shitty pen pal.
Hey, awesome blog
Nothing new, nothing old, just nothing all together.
Christmas Break on the Horizon. Yay...
Nothing new, nothing old, just nothing all together.
Christmas Break on the Horizon. Yay...
so little news. Start the final week of cycle two. It is going by fast.
Turkey day is a comin'; get to spend it with good friends, which is totally awesome
Have a final on black friday which totally sucks
Many things I want to buy, but little cash.
Turkey day is a comin'; get to spend it with good friends, which is totally awesome
Have a final on black friday which totally sucks
Many things I want to buy, but little cash.
Started 2nd cycle at school the other day. It is working out pretty good. It is very relaxing that now it is not just straight push of theory; now there is a balance between that and the equipment. very cool, very cool...
Cycle 1 is almost done, I can feel the pressure... in my eyes....