I am sorry I wasn’t there the past few months, I missed SG a lot but I had to fix a lot of things in my life. As some of you may already know, I was in a complicated relationship and had to move last year cause we were living together... We finally got back together (biggest mistake ever), to get to the point where things were getting horrible. I don’t want to play the victim so I’d say it’s a good thing we’ve decided to stop it for good.
I had to find a new place to live in Paris as quickly as possible, but that’s really complicated if you want to live in an apartment bigger than a dorm room. I finally found my new home! The rent is crazy expensive, but if I want to be free that’s the price to pay : so be it.
We’re repainting the walls right now and I should move in in a couple of weeks now, I just can’t wait to leave my ex apartment tbh...
I am planning on shooting a new set with @chinaski in november, and I also got a set bought recently so I’m really happy. That’s exactly what I needed because it was a very rough time for me and I’m feeling things are finally going to fall into place now 🙏
Anyway, I’ve seen all your tips and words of support guys and I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and let you know that I missed everyone here ❤️