Hey guys, @rambo @missy
Today I want to talk about something that most of you already know is important for me : mental health.
I watched a TED talk the other day with a psychologist explaining that in today's society, people take more care of their dental hygiene than their mind. And I think this is - sadly - true.
What's wrong today in my opinion is that we have a tendancy to associate "mental health" with something bad. I was scrolling on a bank image website this afternoon looking for inspirational pictures to illustrate one of my blog posts, and when you type "mental health"... Well, all the pics are depressing as fuck.
Why is that ? Why are these two words always associated with depression ? Is mental self care something only people with depression problems should use ?
Absolutely. Fucking. NOT.
That's why I created my blog. That's why I want to help people. Because you don't have to be on the edge of a fabulous nervous breakdown to take care of your mind. To be mindful. To listen to your voice. To meditate. To practice yoga. To lighten up some candles. To accept your emotions. To be resilient.
If you want to have a look, please read my blog (most posts are written in french right now, but I plan on writing more in english in a near future so stay tuned) :
In the meantime, please : take care.