Ohhh I love this subject, and my inner critic is jubilating right now !
@missy @rambo
I don't think it's an easy one, because I'm working on it for a long time now. But the main thing I want to change at this specific point in my life is this one : my perfectionism.
There is this thing, called "shoulds/musts". It's ok to have expectations for yourself and it's often helpful to think "I should get my work done" for example, but sometimes our thoughts can be quite harmful. Sometimes, these "shoulds" and "musts" statements become quite unhelpful because they put unreasonable demands and pressures on ourselves.
Do you recall ?
"I should have boobs like these"
"I shouldn't eat that"
"I must answer this call"
"I must be beautiful to be loved"
"I must be popular to feel lovable"
And it goes on, and on, and on...
That's what I'm dealing with. Every. Damn. Day.
I wish I was "lighter". I wish I could go with the flow, embrace my perfect imperfect self and just ride the wave of life without givin a damn of what I am supposed to be, to look, to do, to buy, to wear, to say, to hear, to watch. But I feel like I can't. Hopefully, deep down, I know the truth. I know no one is forcing me. I know I have the key to my cell, I know I can help myself. And that's a relief...
Now I have to take action and stop contemplating. Easier said than done, when you've been raised by perfectionists and when you live in a society where everyone HAS to be perfect all the time...
But it is doable. After all, perfectionism is just one choice away :)