Hey everyone! @rambo @missy
Catching up on my late homework today, I wanted to write a blog about one of those superpowers I'd die to try : INVISIBILITY, you name it.
What would I do if I could wake up one day and be totally invisible?
1. Go to the airport, and fly to L.A. Seriously, this is a dream of mine for so long, never been there, and it would be wonderful if I could affort it!
2. Then, I think I'd go to the first Free People shop and rob everything haha! This brand is my favorite and it's only located in the US, this is absolutely UNFAIR guys.
3. Enter ppl's houses. Ok, now you maaaay be thinking I'm a total freak, but no, no. I'd really like to spy on people and check their home decors. During the winter months in Paris, at night, I really like to look at people's windows and figure out who they are, what they do, what they like, etc. Don't know why.
4. Go to Disneyland Paris for free and spend the whole day in : I wouldn't have to wait hours in the queue to do any attraction. Perfect day.
I think that's all. Invisibility can be great I think, but only if it's time limited... We are "social creatures" after all, and being isolated like this would be a real nightmare in the long run... Don't you think?