Hi there,
So today I want to write a blog homework because this one really inspires me :) @rambo @missy
Like I've said before, and the reason why I stopped SG for a while after coming back last year, is my struggle with bulimia. I've been inpatient twice, lost tons of weight, my happiness, a lot of "friends", my teeth health, lots of hair... well this is clearly a serious condition.
People will tell me : "ok Clem but eating disorders are more than just habits you know". I used to think like that. And the more I thought like that, the more sick I was. So one day, while browsing on Amazon kindle books, I decided to buy an ebook called "Brain over binge" by Kathryn Hensen. And I wouldn't say it was the magic trick I needed to kick this habit (because that's what it is), but it was the most helpful thing I've ever done to walk my way through recovery.
I won't give you a summary here, but this book has nothing to do with all the other eating disorders books in the world who convince you you binge for deep emotional reasons and unresolved chilhopd traumas which just serves as excuses to justify the never-ending "last binge ever".
I've had slip-ups and relapses since the first time I read it, but each time I decided to get back on track, reread it, and focus. And now I've been completely binge free for... 1 month and 17 days 🙏🏼