Okay, this will sound a little dramatic and I don't like that but today I want to make a blog post and share a link for an important cause : the dry eye medical research. Tons of people are suffering in the world today because of this debilitating condition, at least for the most severe cases, and something has to be done in 2016.
Because we are just a few people with this disease, we are not interesting. The pharmaceutical research is looking for profit, and for such a minor part of the population, we're not worth the cost. We just have to live with this pain in silence, waiting for the miracle cure one day, maybe one day.
I'm only 27 years old. I've been living with burning, red, dry, painful, gritty eyes for 3 years now, trying every possible treatment around, and nothing works. I don't want to spend my life like this. One day you wake up, open your eyes, and without explanation, your whole world is devastated by chronic pain. I don't want to live with this. Neither would you?
So please, just take a sec and sign this petition for us. Thank you, thank you if you can just take the time to do this today. It will just help us moving things in the right direction, because it's time to change things.
Love, & all