From allinnedark
Hello, I read the comment about my set and it seems strange to me that it looks pixelated on a monitor because I saw it on a pc and it looks good, so I don't know why you see it pixelated, anyway thanks for the comment :)
@fullfeeling How far up your own ass are you? I literally said the image quality is low. This has nothing to do with the look or character of the model. Snowflake / white knight mode fully activated for no reason. On a 4k monitor, the images look BAD. That is nothing against the MODEL. You just want to be offended for someone and spout platitudes.
I want this to be a decent place where models feel comfortable posting, so it continues. Call it white knighting if you want; when the best defense you can muster for your shitty actions is that I'm doing a decent thing for the wrong reasons, that's pretty validating. It's also interesting how across the whole internet the people who I see calling people snowflake, white knight, and similar are never the same people doing anything positive, jsut shit-talking others and getting butthurt when they're called out on it. Just narcissists so devoid of decency that they can't imagine anyone doing something for a reason that's not self-serving.