Hey everyone!
If you're wondering why i'm not in the SGAU group anymore..i was kicked out of SGAU for unfair reasons.....Some people would say i was overacting....umm kicking me out of a group over an opinon that was not offensive to anyone is overacting. But i don't care...i know i'm in the right. And group owner Steven knows that he is in the wrong. That's why he has blocked me.
I went laptop hunting yestrday...i was going to buy one on thursday...but a place is having a sale on friday, so i might wait until friday. I'm flipping between the macbook and the compaq. I've never been a laptop person...but as of late, i'm always on the move so it's going to allow me to keep update with everything alittle more.
Woo-Hooo pirates of the caribbean: Dead man's chest comes out tomorrow! *Dances* I wish they had a 12:00 session tonight, i would so be there in a pirate suit.
And gah!! i want this statue!!
Take care and Talk later
If you're wondering why i'm not in the SGAU group anymore..i was kicked out of SGAU for unfair reasons.....Some people would say i was overacting....umm kicking me out of a group over an opinon that was not offensive to anyone is overacting. But i don't care...i know i'm in the right. And group owner Steven knows that he is in the wrong. That's why he has blocked me.
I went laptop hunting yestrday...i was going to buy one on thursday...but a place is having a sale on friday, so i might wait until friday. I'm flipping between the macbook and the compaq. I've never been a laptop person...but as of late, i'm always on the move so it's going to allow me to keep update with everything alittle more.
Woo-Hooo pirates of the caribbean: Dead man's chest comes out tomorrow! *Dances* I wish they had a 12:00 session tonight, i would so be there in a pirate suit.

And gah!! i want this statue!!

Take care and Talk later
wow. well. you take sg too seriously. don't worry.
Compaq, but that's because I have a hatred of Macs. But if you can get one Samsung laptops have amazing screens on them.