I'm buying my first ever laptop on thursday!! Yay for updating.
But i've only got about $1500 AUS to spend..so yeah...i'm going to do some more laptop hunting tomorrow. I think JB H-FI is having some sorta sale.

Also...Captin Jack sparrow is back on thursday!!! It's very rare that i get excited over movies....but this is no ordinary movie. Like RAH!
But other then all that...i've been really done in the pits about something as of late...and i can't seem to talk to any of my friends or family about it...they wouldn't understand. All they would say is "Uhh stop beening silly". I really need to talk to someone on SG about this..it's kinda eating me from the inside out....anyhow...enough emo shit...
I can't belive how low the SGAU group has gone with this new logo.

I'm all for humor...but this is just corney and lame. I'm just sick of seeing the typical australian stereotype. No wonder we are a laughing stock. Some people in SGAU group might think i'm overacting on this...but i'm allowed to have my opinion. And i find myself standing up for australians.
How has everyone else been?
Take care and Talk later
And if you get really desperate (and you'll probably have to be really, really desperate) for someone to talk to then send me an email.